Thursday, November 7, 2019

Condom Distribution essays

Condom Distribution essays Should Condoms be distributed in High Schools? More than half of American teenagers have had sexual intercourse and face significant health risks. Each year, over one million teenagers become pregnant, one in seven teenagers contract and STD, and one in five hundred students in college campuses are infected with HIV(The National Coalition To Support Sexuality Education). This quote shows why condom distribution should be available in schools. This topic about condom distribution has caused many heated debates around the nation. People who are in favor of distribution will ensure that teenagers practice safe sex and that the rate of STDs and pregnancies will decrease. The opponents say that giving condoms out in high schools would be like encouraging sexual activity among teenagers and put the idea that pre-martial sex is acceptable. So with all of this in mind, is there a need for condom distribution programs? Yes, there is a need for condom distribution programs. Parents and educators seem to be forgetting that there are a great number of teenagers who are sexually active in todays society. The solution to all of this is not a simple one. Deciding whether to put baskets with condoms in the schools nurses office is only one way of getting started with condom distribution programs. But to be more successful its going to require more thought, energy, and a lot of patience, keeping in mind that todays teens are very open minded and independent. Adults are always emphasizing abstinence. Sure abstinence is the best form of birth control and the best way to not contract a STD. But adults also have to realize that all this is not very cool for teens now days. So if they are not going to be able to convince teenagers that abstinence is the best choice, then they should encourage condom distribution in schools, for their own kids safety. The reason why parents find i...

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