Thursday, January 2, 2020

Smoking Term Paper - 3599 Words

Smoking: The Risks of Smoking by Jack Jeffries CCC English Ms. Clarke 6 April 2011 Jeffries 1 Jack Jeffries Ms. Clarke CCC English 6 April 2011 Smoking: The Risks of Smoking According to the World Health Organization, someone dies from the use of tobacco every eight seconds. Tobacco is used in many different products. A few of these products are bidis, chew, cigars, dip, hookah, and cigarettes. In the United States of America, where 12 million dollars a year is spent on tobacco awareness campaigns, 21 percent of people still smoke. Even though millions are spent to educate Americans about the harmful effects of smoking, millions still continue to smoke. A survey by the Center of Disease Control reported that 21 percent,†¦show more content†¦Some will become cancerous and tumor forming. â€Å"These substances† that Johnson is referring to is smoking. Dr. Agarwaal also to explains how smoking effects other parts of the body. If no one smoked, lung cancer would be a rare diagnosis - only 0.5 per cent of people who have never touched a cigarette develop lung cancer. The chemicals and toxicants in tobacco smoke damage DNA, which can lead to cancer. Nearly one-third of all cancer deaths every year are directly linked to smoking. Smoking causes about 85% of lung cancers in the U.S. For ex-smokers, it takes approximately 15 years before the risk of lung cancer drops to the same as that of a non-smoker. He says that along with the lungs, smoking can cause cancers in the head and neck area, urinary bladder and kidneys, female reproductive organs, pancreas, colon, esophagus, and breasts. Let us take a look at cancers in the head and neck area. Researchers have long noted the link between smoking and increased risk of head and neck cancers including cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, and the larynx. If one smokes, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non- Jeffries 4 smoker. Cancer can start in many areas of the mouth, with the most common being on or underneath the tongue, or on the lips. Men who smoke have a 27-times higher rate of oral cancer than men who have never smoked. For cancer of the larynxShow MoreRelatedSmoking and Dental mplants714 Words   |  3 Pagescomponents that can predispose individuals to lower rates of success and cause a significant loss to both the dental practitioner and the patient14,17,18.Broadly ,these factors may be classified as ;patient, clinician or implant associated15,16. Cigarette smoking, a patient related risk factor, is a common habit. It has been under scrutiny for long due to a progressive number of diseases directly or indirectly linked with it 20.The toxic byproducts of the cigarette smoke have been implicated to influence Read MoreWomen Who Smoke While Pregnant887 Words   |  4 PagesWomen Who Smoke While Pregnant Over the years, statistics show that smoking cigarettes can cause many serious health issues. 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