Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Factors That Influence Food Habits And Culture - 947 Words

Factors that Influence Food Habits and Culture Food not only acts as a necessity of life, but it also provides a way for people to bond and display their culture. People’s food habits act as a way for them to identify themselves. Food habits refer to the reasons why people eat, their methods of eating, the form of food they eat, and the way they get, store, and get rid of food (Rodriguez, 2002). Several factors influence people’s food habits and culture. Some of these factors include a person’s budget, health, and religion. Other factors such as age, gender, and social and cultural backgrounds determine people’s food habits. People buy what they can afford. Some people have the desire to eat in a healthier way, but they are not able to do this because they cannot afford healthy food. Junk food tends to be more readily available and consequently cheaper to buy than healthy food. People with low incomes find it hard to eat at restaurants, and they find it more economical to make their own meals. Food ava ilability also determines people’s food habits. People tend to eat what they can find easily. Rare foods tend to be more expensive, and people avoid this. Foods in season are cheaper. This makes a person’s food habit seasonal and flexible, yet homogenous enough to define a person’s identity (Bellisle, 2012). A person’s health and lifestyle will determine their food habits. People with health problems requiring unique considerations of their diet will be more selective withShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of Factors That Influence Food Habits And Culture1584 Words   |  7 PagesEvaluation of factors that influence food habits and culture Aya Harada San Francisco State University Abstract There are many reasons to why people eat what they choose to eat every day. 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Walk down your street, watch

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