Saturday, May 23, 2020

Who Is Roger Williams University - 1196 Words

Brian and Gloria are students at Roger Williams University who share different views on a touchy subject. Brian, a freshman, reached out to Gloria, a senior and chair of CEN, wishing to invite Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at our campus. After doing research on Yiannopoulos, Gloria believes he is â€Å"racist and sexist† and goes against everything Roger Williams University stands for. Gloria feels Yiannopoulos would offend many students on campus, possibly leading to violence. She thinks Roger Williams would not allow Yiannopoulos to speak at our campus, so we shouldn’t allow him to either. However, Brian believes Roger Williams University is an â€Å"inclusive† campus and we welcome and value all expressions of diversity and identity. Brian says Roger Williams was probably the first American to â€Å"challenge societal norms†, and we should follow in his footsteps. Brian feels Gloria is being narrow-minded and he is being denied his right to free speech and peaceful assembly. Milo Yiannopoulos, a very controversial speaker, is a part of the â€Å"alt-right† movement and known for radical views on women, race, and politics. He speaks at college campus’ across the nation expressing his political and social views of the world. Throughout his time speaking at various Universities, Yiannopoulos has spoken about things many would find controversial. When speaking about feminism, he’s stated things such as â€Å"Women don’t work as hard† and â€Å"if there is a sex that deserves to be put in camps, womenShow MoreRelatedPuritans, Quakers, And Witchcraft1416 Words   |  6 PagesFaith LePage HIS 201-112 Professor Newsum 10 November 2014 Puritans, Quakers, and Witchcraft Seventeenth and eighteenth century Puritans arrived in the new world; their morality structured the disciplinary actions toward Quakers, those who were considered witches, and Puritans alike throughout the Massachusetts Bay colony. 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