Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Use Of Prayer And Scripture On Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Summary Siang-Yang Tan, a psychologist that has been in the field for over 25 years wrote a journal on the Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. This journal â€Å"covers the appropriate and ethical use of prayer, including inner healing prayer, and Scripture in a Christian approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy† (Tan, 2007). In this journal he expounded on the methods he used through his experience to ethically provide prayer and scripture in a suitable fashion. He also went a little further to talk about how, â€Å"Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most empirically supported treatments (ESTs) available for a wide variety of psychological disorders† (Tan, 2007). Tan described in part on how the principles of prayer can be merged in the therapy process and in certain circumstances have value in the client’s needs through their receptiveness. Tan, also established 8 key biblical features that he incorporated in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). These features ranged from; agape love, dealing with trauma in children, the meaning of spiritual and experiential and even mystical aspects of life and faith, how to focus on how problems in thought and behavior can be approached biblically, the emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s ministry in inner healing as well as cognitive, the need to pay attention to external factors such as family and society as valued resources, the use of only thoseShow MoreRelatedUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy989 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Liberty University Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive Behavior-Therapy Summary Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy can be found in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity. The author, Stan Yang-Tan, covers the apposite use of applying prayer and scripture to the 30-year-old process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (p.101). With an array of psychologicalRead MoreUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Essay1703 Words   |  7 PagesUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Journal Article Beatrice St.Surin Liberty University COUN-506 September 23, 2012 Abstract According to the article Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity in 2007, Siang-Yang Tan talked about how prayer and scripture can be incorporated into the practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Lately, in the field of CBT, there have been an increasedRead MoreA Review of: The Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy816 Words   |  4 Pagesof: â€Å"The Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy† Summary In Tan’s article, â€Å"The Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy† published by the Journal of Psychology and Theology in 2007, he discusses integrating prayer and scripture with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Tan uses examples of integration from real-life counseling sessions that he has been involved in, as a counselor. Tan’s article first discusses the usefulness of CBT and other behavioral techniquesRead MoreUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Essay638 Words   |  3 PagesReview of Journal Article â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy† Review of Journal Article â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy† Summary This article talks about Cognitive-Behavior therapy and using prayer and scripture appropriately, how to approach using biblical/ Christian values in therapy. The journal also talks about an historical overview of behavioral therapy, throughout the years. The commentary discusses the two component of mindfulnessRead MoreJournal Of Psychology And Christianity868 Words   |  4 Pagesand Christianity, â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy† by Siang-Yang Tan discusses how prayer and scripture can be incorporated into the practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Expanded CBT described a historical process of behavior therapy that was divided into three generational movements and consisted of a gradual transition from traditional behavior therapy known as; Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and (DBT)Read MoreThe Relationship Between Regenerate And Unregenerate Thought Processes Essay1089 Wo rds   |  5 Pagespeople are fundamentally born imperfect; one of the major goals of the therapy assists people to learn to accept their personalities as well as others unconditionally. God s unconditional love for humanity regardless its imperfection is an all-encompassing recurring theme in the Bible. For example, God demonstrated his love for us through the death of his son Jesus when humanity plunged into sin. Similarly, cognitive-based therapy promotes a more realistic view of the self and others, which is in agreementRead MoreUse of Prayer and Scripture in Coginitiv- Behavioral Therapy1247 Words   |  5 PagesUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Integration of Psychology and Theology Tamala Rivers February 16, 2012 Summary This article focuses on the use of prayer and scripture in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). First you must focus on the biblical approach which you acknowledge Gods love and deal with past hurts in a proper manner. You also must focus on Gods Holy Spirit and his scriptures. 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The paper will discuss a summary of the case study to provide clarity as to why this particular process would result in aiding Andrea in focusing on what is going on in her life at this time. The focus of the paper is how CBT is beneficial to the client to bring change. It wil l convey how this method of treatment will be assistingRead MorePsychology, Theology And Spirituality1267 Words   |  6 Pagesbackground when it comes to providing effective and helpful service to their client. McMinn shows his interest in scripture, prayer, confession and sin in this book and even emphasize on ways to try to keep religion out of the sessions while at the same time using your knowledge and word to make the right decision while providing services to a client. McMinn feels that even if you use this form of attitude it can still lead to negative consequences because the majority of disturbances when dealing

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